Welcome to our amazing blog!!!

Monday 28 October 2013

Cassie, Ella, Olivia and Savannah's 'Granny's Guide'

    Granny's Guide to Blogging
What is a blog?
A blog is a website that you can create yourself and post information about yourself and what you've been doing. You can post photos and videos too.

  1. Open Internet Explorer then type blogger.com in the search bar and press enter.
  2. This will take you onto a page that will say Gmail. (Gmail is an emailing website.)
  3. Then fill in the personal details page and if anything goes wrong click the back arow in the top left corner. Once you have done that press enter.
  4. Click Create Unlimited Blogger.
  5. After you have finished go to the display name box and type in what you want your character name to be.
  6. Then press new blog and type in the title of your blog.
  7. Then choose what you want your background to be like.
  8. After that type in your web address (do not put any spaces or full stops.)
  9. Then type in what you want to put in your blog.
  10. Then press publish. You have made a blog!
  11. Once you have done that press veiw blog.
By Cassie, Ella, Olivia and Savannah

Polly, Sophie, Miriam and Rea's 'Granny's Guide'

Granny's Guide to Blogging

A blog is a website for you to write about yourself. They are personal imformation for other people to see.

1.        Turn on the computer and go onto google. Go onto the address bar, the adress bar is a long rectangle at the top of the screen. Type in blogger.com then press enter.

2.        Click on sign up and fill in your details and type the numbers in the following picture. Then click next step.

3.        Now click back to Blogger.

4.        Type in your display name then click continue to blogger. Now click new Blog.

5.       Now choose your template and type in your title. Then press the tick when you are there click the pencil.

6.        Now type your text and title. Once you have typed your text you have to highlight it and you can make it bigger or smaller. You can make it different colours and you can change fonts and underline it.

7.        When you are happy with your Blog click publish and your done.

                                                WELL DONE!
By Polly, Sophie, Miriam and Rea

Charlotte and Hepzi's 'Granny's Guide'

Granny's Guide to Blogging

A blog is a website that you can put information about yourself, your life and sometimes other people. You can post regularly and put photos and videos on of yourself. This is how:

·        Go to Internet Explorer. Write into the address bar, at the top of the screen, Blogger.com.

·        Press the sign up button in the right hand corner to start.

·        Fill in your details and information by clicking in the boxes and typing. Next prove your not a robot by filling in the text above. If you're blind you can also listen to it.

·        Click next step. Then go back to blogger.

·        Press limited blog not google +, because google + is different.

·        Choose a display name or what you want people to know you by. Click continue to blogger then new blog.

·        Choose a title then an address, most addresses are taken so have lots of ideas.

·        Click create a blog. Pick a design.

·        When you want something on your blog, click the little orange pencil in the right hand corner. It's like an online diary, you need a title.
Now press publish. If you want to look at your blog press view blog.
By Charlotte and Hepzi

Daisy, Emily and Grace's 'Granny's Guide'

Granny's Guide To Blogging

A blog is a online personal website which can include text, pictures and videos.

1.    Go onto Internet Explorer.

2.    In the web address bar at the top type in Blogger.com, once it's in press enter.

3.    Now you're on Blogger.com.

4.    Press the orange button that says sign up.

5.    Fill in your details this includes name, date of birth and email address. You don't have to fill in your phone number and an email address.

6.    At the bottom of the details list, press next step.

7.    Click on the button Back to Blogger.

8.    It will give you two options, choose limited blogger profile.

9.    Now display your name or what you want people to know you as, click enter.

10.Click new blog.

11.Now put in your title for the blog, your address and a template (background). In the address bar there can't be any spaces or punctuation.

12.  Now press create blog. If something goes wrong press back and you will have to put in your title, address and template again.

13.At the top press view blog to see your newly made blog.

14.You will now come back to creating a new blog, then at the top click on the orange pencil to create a post.

15.In the top rectangle type the title of your first post, in the big box below type your post.

16.At the top click on publish to share your post with the world.

WELL DONE GRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have just made your own blog and your first post.

                                    By Daisy, Grace and Emily

New Beginnings

Welcome to the Year 5 and 6 Blog!

We're half a term into another exciting year and it's time to get this blog going again.  This half term we've spent time looking at blogs and how to make them and we made some "Granny's Guides" to blogging.  You'll find them here on this blog. 

We have also done loads of other exciting things like visiting Choices for Harvest, using chromotography to solve a despicable crime and starting our slipper making!  We will try to update this blog at least twice each half term from here on in and hope you enjoy reading about the various things we've been doing.