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Monday 28 October 2013

Cassie, Ella, Olivia and Savannah's 'Granny's Guide'

    Granny's Guide to Blogging
What is a blog?
A blog is a website that you can create yourself and post information about yourself and what you've been doing. You can post photos and videos too.

  1. Open Internet Explorer then type blogger.com in the search bar and press enter.
  2. This will take you onto a page that will say Gmail. (Gmail is an emailing website.)
  3. Then fill in the personal details page and if anything goes wrong click the back arow in the top left corner. Once you have done that press enter.
  4. Click Create Unlimited Blogger.
  5. After you have finished go to the display name box and type in what you want your character name to be.
  6. Then press new blog and type in the title of your blog.
  7. Then choose what you want your background to be like.
  8. After that type in your web address (do not put any spaces or full stops.)
  9. Then type in what you want to put in your blog.
  10. Then press publish. You have made a blog!
  11. Once you have done that press veiw blog.
By Cassie, Ella, Olivia and Savannah

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