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Friday 24 January 2014

Tough Plants!

Our Science unit this half term is looking at chains and webs and as part of that we have spent the first few lessons of the year focusing on the start of any food chain, plants and their relationship with the sun.  We did a two week long experiment looking at 4 plants and what happened when we denied them things which we thought they needed.  Our results were very interesting and mainly showed that plants can survive quite a lot (including being put in a box and given no water!).  We put together the photos we took over the two weeks and made a time lapse video showing our plants growing.  You can see it below.  From left to right the plants had: 

Water and No Light.  No Water and No Light.  Light and No Water.  Water and Light

We are now being nice to the plants and have a lovely mini classroom garden which also contains a hyacinth and some daffodils that Caleb's Crew planted before Christmas.

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