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Friday 28 March 2014

Out and About in the Springtime!

Year 5 and 6 have had two trips this half term!  Woop woop!  As part of our D&T Unit about designing and making a fairground ride we went to Making It! in Mansfield.  It was a fantastic day and we came back with some great models of carousels as well as great ideas about moving parts.

We also went to Dovedale to look at the River Dove for our geography unit all about Rivers.  It was the most amazing day!  Father God blessed us with incredible weather and we even managed to make it up Thorpe Cloud for a very windy sketching session.

We hope you enjoy the pictures...

Reading instructions carefully.

Our marvelous guide and helper for the day!

Hard at work on their carousels.

Happy with her work so far.

Setting off on our trip up the River Dove.
Crossing the Stepping Stones!  We all made it across safely.
Stopping for a snack.
It really was a beautiful day!

We had our lunch in a cave.  We were joined by some very friendly ducks.
At the top of Thorpe Cloud!  We made it!  It was a hard climb up but most of us thought it was worth it.
Crossing the bridge and heading home.

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